Seeking: Lent 2023

The Scripture texts in this year’s Lenten worship ask all kinds of questions.

Some of the questions feel restorative: “Can these bones live?”
Some feel like a charge or challenge: “To whom will we listen?” Some questions are hopeful and curious: “How do we begin again?”

Like the characters in these Lenten texts, we also are seeking many things: clarity, connection, wonder, justice, balance. We are seeking our calling. We are seeking the sacred, and how to live as a disciple.

Throughout the turbulence of the past few years, many are asking big questions about life and faith. If you are returning to church, you’re likely returning with more questions and a critical lens.

This Lent, the Spirit is inviting us to engage in the spiritual practice of seeking. May this Lenten journey create a safe space to explore—to be drawn more deeply into the fullness of life, into the heart of God.

Church Council Considers Engaging a Congregational Consultant

On Sunday, February 12, FBC’s Church Council—which includes all ministry and administrative team leaders, church moderator, treasurer, clerk, and pastoral staff—gathered for a special meeting requested by Pastor Julie and Pastor Eric.
After a responsive prayer, the pastors presented a proposal that the church engage a congregational consultant to help First Baptist assess current realities; take a fresh look at FBC’s vision, mission and values; and create an action plan with accountability. 

Pastor Eric described the genesis of the proposal, including congregational participation that hasn’t rebounded following the pandemic; the need for engagement with newcomers, especially young adults and families; and the diminished size of the pastoral staff amidst a construction project and capital campaign.
Council members discussed the need for a consultant, including experience with prior consultants. They also considered options for funding such a consultant and the importance of congregational agreement and engagement in the process.
The council reached a consensus that engagement of a consultant would be a beneficial investment for First Baptist Church. Moderator Rod Coates will assemble a small team to assess the specific proposal from Pastors Julie and Eric along with other options and report to the full council on March 19. The team will be led by council members Dave Ryder, a trustee of the First Baptist Foundation and Christi Harlan, church trustee and clerk. 
Afterward, Pastor Julie said, “This is holy work. This journey has the potential to be a spiritually transformative experience for us all as we remain open to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.” 

Online Ash Wednesday Service Feb 22 @ Noon

February 22 @ Noon
Live-Streamed from the Sanctuary

FBC's Lenten journey begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22. This year's Ash Wednesday service will be online only, streamed live from the sanctuary at noon via and Facebook Live. We will not meet in person.

You can worship online, in real-time at noon, or you can access the service at a time that is convenient for you. Supplies for imposing your own ashes will be made available in person and if requested, by mail the week of February 12. Requests to be added to our mailing list can be emailed to

Quarterly Business Meeting: Congregation Approves Investments

On Sunday, February 5, First Baptist members gathered after worship for a potluck and quarterly congregational meeting. Congregation leaders provided updates on church finances, sanctuary renovations, construction of the new community building, the Give It Forward capital campaign, and mission efforts in recent months.

With gratitude for the generosity of former FBC members and friends, our congregation voted to pay $276,000 for costs related to renovations and repairs in the sanctuary building, including two new elevators and a refurbished fellowship hall, using the church’s designated funds. These funds were made up of memorial gifts given over several years, and included a substantial memorial fund in honor of long-time First Baptist member David L. Hunter. The Hunter Fund was to be used for renovation of the choir rehearsal room and the bride’s room, each of which was completed in the renovation process.


The investment in renovations to the sanctuary is separate from the Give It Forward capital campaign to construct the community building on O Street. Give It Forward co-chairs Lucy Plovnick and Bruce Salmon reported that pledges and contributions to the campaign are more than half way to the $1 million goal. The capital campaign team is full of optimism about reaching their goal, and they will be working toward that in the days ahead.


Associate Pastor Eric Mathis and Building Project Administrator Sarah Hodges-Austin provided updates on construction of the new community building—now projected to be completed in February 2024 because of supply issues. Dave Ryder, member of the Facilities Improvement Team and chair of the First Baptist Foundation, reported that all aspects of the construction project are on target, including finances.


At the end of the meeting, Pastors Julie and Eric shared about a question they informally asked the staff and all church teams in January. The question was, “What do you most hope for in 2023 when it comes to our church?” The answers fell into three broad areas: Construction, Congregation and Community. Pastors Eric and Julie said the responses showed a desire among our people to complete and celebrate construction projects, shift our focus to congregational growth, and deepen our mission in the DuPont Circle community. Pastor Julie shared that she, along with Pastor Eric, would be working with church leadership in the days ahead to mobilize our congregation to action in the areas of congregational growth and community mission. You can see a video summary of their presentation below.