Worship Moved to Fellowship Hall Tomorrow 10/28/18


Dear Church Family: Sometimes God invites us to change our plans. Our church boilers have staged a rebellion, leaving us without a way to heat our facilities this weekend (10/28). For this reason we are moving our worship service tomorrow to Fellowship Hall which will be warmer than the sanctuary.

Everyone is invited to dress warmly and comfortably and to experience the simple joy of family-style worship around tables, hot coffee or tea in hand. Think of this as a holy adventure.

And if you’re traveling from Virginia, please plan accordingly as the Marine Corps Marathon will be taking place during your commute.

Peace and grace…

Pastor Julie Pennington-Russell

Pastor Julie Pennington-Russell

"Joyful Generosity" - Sunday, October 28 - Sunday, November 18

Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey

Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey

We kick off our fall stewardship emphasis, Joyful Generosity, this Sunday, October 28. One of our missional partners, Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey, Ministry Facilitator at Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries in New York City through Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, will share with us in worship about ministry in her Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan. FBCDC has been supporting Lesley-Ann for a year now, as a CBF “Encourager Church”.

Sunday, November 18, is “Gratitude Sunday” at First Baptist Church as we give thanks to God for another year of grace. Also in worship that day, we will celebrate an “offering of financial commitments” for the coming year.

Will you take time to pray about your financial participation in what God will do in and through First Baptist Church in the year ahead? And as an expression of your intention, will you please complete a commitment card indicating your financial participation for 2019? Your information will remain confidential—whether you make it online (https://www.firstbaptistdc.org/give) through our website, or turn in a paper commitment card.

(If you make your commitment online, you’ll still receive a card in worship on November 18th to use as a symbol during the “celebration of commitments”.)
