January 7, 2024 | Epiphany Sunday | Those Who Dream Persevere

This morning, Pastor Julie preaches the message “Those Who Dream Persevere,” based on Matthew 2:1-12. Additional Lectionary passages are Isaiah 60:1-6 and Acts 19:1-7.

As is our first Sunday of the month custom, we will celebrate communion together. We will return to our practice of taking the bread and the cup by intinction: dipping a gluten-free wafer into a cup of juice. (Only those serving communion will touch the wafer, and they will sanitize their hands prior to serving.)

We also will be invited to create “star words” or “star gifts,” an Epiphany prayer practice observed by Protestant congregations around the world for some time. The word you choose, or discover in prayer, becomes an intention or guiding word for the new year.